November 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Mimi!

Dear Mimi
I hope you have a wonderful birthday today.
May your day be filled with love, joy, peace and laughter.

November 27, 2011

Justin Moore "Bait A Hook"

"STUCK IN YOUR HEAD" is an "anytime meme".
Post whenever you have something “Stuck in Your Head”.
It can be a song, movie, something that happened during the week…or just anything!
Use it to rant & rave or to just express your opinion. It is unlimited!

Post any day of the week but be sure to send me a link to your post on my current "Stuck In My Head" post.

So, tell me...What is "Stuck in Your Head"?
***This post is also linked to...Song Sharing Sunday***
Lyrics | Justin Moore lyrics - Bait A Hook lyrics

November 26, 2011

Camera Critters: Trying To Sleep

This is Shelby, laying on Steve's side of the bed.
She was really tired and did not want to move.
Camera Critters

Saturday 9: Turn Back the Hands of Time

1. There's a Time Genie. She can put you back in time to relive a day that you loved. If you could turn back time, what day would you relive if given this opportunity?

I would go back to the day my mother died and tell her how much I love her.  I would also tell her I am sorry for my behavior growing up.  Also, I would accept her offer to go home with her that day.

2. What did you do yesterday?

Ate a lot of food. 

3. You've been given 3 parachutes, but there are 4 people who need them. Who will you not give one to: Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Kim Kardashian, or Simon Cowell? Why?

I would NOT give a parachute to Kim Kardashian.  That woman is so very fake and full of shit.

4. Where are you going and where have you been?

I have been a lot of places, seen a lot of things and I have no idea where I am going.

5. They say that books read as a child make more of an impact on a person than books read at any other time in life. Are there any books that you particularly loved, that shaped the way you think when you were little?

I loved a lot of books as a child at different ages.  I read (and still read) a lot of books.  At a very early age (five) I was reading novels and I devoured books by the truckload.  

6. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?

Getting Christmas over and done  with.

7. What was the last text message you received?

"Happy Thanksgiving!  I just found my phone." 

8. Do you prefer to call or text?

I prefer to text.  I cannot hear very well so phone calls don't always go so well.

9. What were you doing at 9PM last night?

At home, eating leftover ham and apple/cranberry pie.

November 25, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins on Black Friday - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Hosted by Janet

1. As you can see I am once again sitting at my computer being nonproductive.

2. Christmas time will be here soon!

3. I love to buy things that make my loved ones happy.

4. The only gift I want for Christmas is to see  my son.

5. What's up with all these crazy people wanting to shop on Black Friday.

6. Thanks to the Internet I have shopping at my fingertips.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to recovering from all the food I ate yesterday, tomorrow my plans include cleaning the house and Sunday, I want to finish any cleaning I did not finish on Saturday!

November 24, 2011

Things I am Thankful For This Thanksgiving


Thirteen Things/People I am Thankful For

01. Colt, my son. He is handsome, smart and one awesome man. I am so very proud of him and all he has done and will do.

02. , Vickie, my daughter. She is beautiful and also smart and even though we don't get along very well I love her very much.

03. Brian, my brother and only sibling. He is a great man and I am so very glad to have him as my brother.

04. Steve, my husband. We have been through a lot in 10 years, good times and bad times.

05. Joseph, Brandon and Amy, my nephews and niece. I love them very much.

06. Christina, my sister-in-law. She drives me crazy at times but she is one great lady.

07. Annabelle and Shelby, my dogs. They listen to me no matter what I have to say and they never judge me. There unconditional love is overwhelming.

08. My friends. They have stood by my side through thick and thin.

09. My in-laws: Chuck, Judy and Michael.

10. My computer, because it is a means of helping me to relax. I can play games and make chat with people I love.

11. The Internet. I have met a lot of new friends online, some that I know I would never have met in the "real world". Plus I get to play World of Warcraft, where I have met some cool folks!

12. My job.

13. My house.

November 22, 2011

Happy Furthday Annabelle

Today my beautiful fur baby, Annabelle is 11 years old.
Annabelle is 1/2 Cocker Spaniel and 1/2 Black Labrador



November 21, 2011

The Queen's Meme #103: The Wild Fowl Meme

1. How many people will you be cooking for this Thanksgiving?

~None.  We are going to my mother-in-laws for dinner.  She is an AWESOME cook!

2. What is your specialty dish?

~Nothing really. I am not a very good cook.

3. Can you give me a quick mini course in basting a turkey?

~Every half hour baste the turkey with melted butter.

4. What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?

~Having the day off to do nothing but eat good food  all day.

5. Which one of the real turkeys in your life do you think deserves a pardon?

~None of them. They have done nothing to deserve a pardon.

6. It's your chance to change the course of holiday history. In your opinion, what animals or animal besides wild fowl (ducks, geese, swans, and turkey) should have been eaten on the First Thanksgiving?

~Deer or something from the ocean (lobster, clams, oysters)

7. What are you most thankful for in your life?

~My son, Colt; my brother, Brian; my husband, Steve; my daughter, Vickie; my nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles....all my family and all of my awesome friends. 

November 20, 2011

Happy Furthday Shelby

Today, my beautiful fur baby is 7 years old!
Shelby is 1/2 Boxer, 1/4 Blue Tick Hound and 1/4 Catahoula 



Luke Bryan: Don't Want This Night To End

"STUCK IN YOUR HEAD" is an "anytime meme".
Post whenever you have something “Stuck in Your Head”.
It can be a song, movie, something that happened during the week…or just anything!
Use it to rant & rave or to just express your opinion. It is unlimited!

Post any day of the week but be sure to send me a link to your post on my current "Stuck In My Head" post.

So, tell me...What is "Stuck in Your Head"?
***This song is also linked to....***

November 19, 2011

Camera Critters: Yard Dog

Annabelle taking a stroll around
our backyard.
Camera Critters

November 13, 2011

Sunday Stealing: The Madness Meme, Part 2

23. Do you ever walk around the house naked?  Sometimes

24. If you were an animal what would you be? Why? White Tiger...they are big, strong, free and not scared of anything!

25. Hair color you like on someone you’re dating? Bright pink...with green stripes

26. If suffering an injury, would you rather be left blind or deaf? Deaf

27. Do you have any special talents? No

28. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? Take the dogs outside to go potty

29. Do you like horror or comedy? Comedy

30. Are you missing anyone? Yes

31. Where do you want to live when you are old? Texas

32. Who is the person you can count on the most? Myself

33. If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be? None of them

34. What did you dream last night? High was horrible.

35. What is your favorite sport to watch? Football

36. Are you named after anyone? Yes

37. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Strawberry Daiquiri

38. Non alcoholic drink? Sweet Tea

39. Have you ever been in love? Yes

40. Do you sing in the shower?  Yes

41. Have you ever been arrested? Yes

42. What is your favorite Holiday? The ones that I get a day off of work for.

43. Would you ever get plastic surgery? Yes

44. Have you ever caught a fish? Yes

November 12, 2011

Camera Critters: Backyard Adventure

Shelby and Annabelle checking out the backyard.
They stood this way for several minutes.
Camera Critters

November 11, 2011

Veterans Day - Va.Gov


I found this poster on Photobucket but the original belongs to

Thank a Veteran today and everyday!

Veteran's Day 2011

Lest We Forget images


November 9, 2011

Winrter Is Here - First Snow in Wisconsin

This was my morning drive to work...the snow was just starting.

Daybreak - The view from the backdoor of my office.

Early Morning - Another view from the backdoor of my office.

Later in the Morning - Another view from the backdoor of my office.

November 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Colt


November 6, 2011

Sunday Stealing: The Madness Meme, Part 1

1. Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? Yes

2. What’s the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated? 12 years...he was older.

3. Ever been in a car wreck? Yes..several.

4. Were you popular in high school?  No. But that is ok.

5. Have you ever been on a blind date? Yes

6. Are looks important? No, not really

7. Do you have any friends that you’ve known for 10 years or more? Yes, several.

8. By what age would you like to be married? I am married now.  First time I got married I was 22.  The second time (and last time) I got married I was 40.

9. Does the number of people a person’s slept with affect your view of them? No

10. Have you ever made a mistake? Yes

11. Are you a good tipper? Yes, 15% to 20% each time.

12. What’s the most you have spent for a haircut? $30

13. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Yes

14. Have you ever peed in public?  Yes

15. What song do you want played at your funeral? Amazing Grace...played on bagpipes.

16. Would you tell your parents if you were gay? If they were alive and I was gay...yes I would tell them.

17. What would your last meal be before getting executed? Steak, baked potato, salad, chocolate cake and ice cream.

18. Beatles or Stones?  Beatles

19. If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who would it be?

20. Beer, wine or hard liquor? Hard liquor

21. Do you have any phobias? Yes, a few.

22. What are your plans for the future? To live as long as possible.

November 5, 2011

Camera Critters: I Hear Something

Shelby heard a noise outside.
Right after this photo was taken
she barked. So we went outside to
see what was going on.
Camera Critters

November 4, 2011

I Am A Peace Blogger


Welcome to the 8th launch of BlogBlast For Peace aka Dona Nobis Pacem in the blogosphere.
What is it? A small group of bloggers answered a challenge Mimi at Mimi Writes tossed one angst-filled October day in 2006. Mimi wanted to know what would happen if all bloggers everywhere signed their name across a globe and all posted the SAME POST on the SAME DAY.  Mimi created a graphic and made the first one.  Mimi asked them to write "Dona nobis pacem" which is Latin for "grant us peace" across the graphics image and post it on their blogs in November. Fifty-two people responded enthusiastically and soon it began to spread like a beautiful lyric across the internet.

Mimi started the Internet's first ever online movement of this kind
which moves from blog to blog and continues to grow.
There is something magical about the peace globes.
Something that can't be explained.

The BlogBlast For Peace registration form can be found at

You can see the official 2011 BlogBlast for Peace Video at

The Peace Globe Gallery can be found at



November 3, 2011

Reason #1 : Blogging for Peace - What are your reasons?

This is the challenge: If you are a peace blogger (even if you're not!) join us in counting down to the next BlogBlast For Peace on November 4, 2011. We say we want peace? The world wants to know why. Let's tell them. Simply post this logo on your blog or FB page with one reason each day for the next 100 days. How many reasons can we find?

Reason #100 - So my children have a better world to live in.
Reason #99 - To stop the hatred
Reason #98 - To be free from pain
Reason #97 – Because peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you do , something you are and something you give away (Robert Fulghum)
Reason #96 – Peace helps eliminate stress, worries and anxieties
Reason #95 – To help us develop patience
Reason #94 – To help us develop tolerance
Reason #93 – To help us feel stable
Reason #92 – Because every life is precious
Reason #91 – To make life look brighter
Reason #90 – Peace is its own reward. (Gandhi)
Reason #89 – So we can sleep at night with fewer worries.
Reason #88 – To prevent things like "Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan"
Reason #87 – So we can sing loud and proud!
Reason #86 - So people can travel the world and enjoy all the wonders.
Reason #85 - So some people have a good reason to get up in the mornings.
Reason #84 - To help prevent hunger
Reason #83 - To eliminate hate crimes
Reason #82 - To help eliminate poverty 
Reason #81 - To promote better health 
Reason #80 -  So we can leave our doors unlocked at night
Reason #79 -  So the world can stand united
Reason #78 - To share the love 
Reason #77 - To rid the world of demons 
Reason #76 - To show the world there is nothing wrong with getting along 
Reason #75 - To end the suffering of millions of people
Reason #74 - Because there is nothing wrong with getting along
Reason #73 - So my son can sleep in his own bed each night.
Reason #72 - To end child abuse
Reason #71 - To end animal abuse
Reason #70 - To promote understanding
Reason #69 - So everyone can have an education
Reason #68 - So dreams can come true
Reason #67- To fill the world with love
Reason #66 - To fill the world with happiness     
Reason #65 - To prevent abuse of the elderly
Reason #64 - To work together to find  a cure for cancer
Reason #63 - So that people slow down to smell the roses
Reason #62 - So there are no more protest at military funerals
Reason #61 - To protect the world from stupidity
Reason #60 - So that everyone's opinion is truly valued  
Reason #59 - To prevent "flash mobs"
Reason #58 -  So that people have a real reason to want to change
Reason #57 - “Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.” ~Buddha
Reason #56 -  So we may enjoy moments of silence
Reason #55 - So that people are not afraid to stop and help someone that is broke down on 
                      the side of the road.
Reason #54 - So that things like 9-11 never happen again
Reason #53 -  To help prevent drive by shooting.
Reason #52 -  So we can dance in the streets
Reason #51 -  To celebrate life
Reason #50 -  To enjoy love
Reason #49 -  So we can safely reach out to our neighbors.
Reason #48 -  So people of all races can share a meal together
Reason #47 - So our loved ones always feel safe.
Reason #46 - So everyone can enjoy a good game of Football.     
Reason #45 - Why not blog for peace?
Reason #44 - So we can all take long walks  in the woods.
Reason #43 - To be able to stroll down the beach hand in hand.
Reason #42 - To beat the devils at their own games.
Reason #41 - To work together to cure the common cold
Reason #40 - So that everyone has a friend they can lean on
Reason #39 - So people dont have to hide in their closets.
Reason #38 - So children dont have to hide under their beds.
Reason #37 - So that everyone can tell the truth and not be punished.
Reason #36 - To prevent the annihilation of the human race
Reason #35 - Because we all need a little love in our life.
Reason #34 - So we can all sit on our front porch and  enjoy the fresh air.
Reason #33 - For freedom
Reason #32 - To preserve our planet
Reason #31 - To save our values
Reason #30 - To uphold our morals
Reason #29 - To raise the bar on our standards
Reason #28 - To fill the world with harmony
Reason #27 - So laughter can fill the streets
Reason #26 - So that even the weary can rest
Reason #25 - To help prevent child abuse around the world
Reason #24 - To help prevent animal abuse around the world
Reason #23 - So we can stop chasing our dreams and begin to live those dreams
Reason #22 - To prevent senseless deaths
Reason #21 - To prevent senseless destruction
Reason #20 - Because I see no reason why we should not Blog For Peace
Reason #19 - Because I WANT to blog for Peace
Reason #18 - Because we NEED peace 

Reason #17 - Because sometimes we do crazy things
Reason #16 - Because Peace is something we have to work hard for
Reason #15 - Because peace is something that takes a united group
Reason #14 - So everyone can enjoy a good baseball game (or whatever sport they like) in comfort.
Reason #13 - So everyone can love their country.
Reason #12 - So we can live longer
Reason #11 - So we can live healthier
Reason #10 - To be heard as one very loud voice
Reason #09 - To stand side by side, together, rather than so many separate entities
Reason #08 - So that tears of sorrow can be tears of joy.
Reason #07 - So that the dreams of tomorrow can become realities of today.
Reason #06 - So we can stop imaging peace and begin living in peace. 
Reason #05 - Because a dream you dream alone is only a dream, A dream you dream together is reality (Yoko Ono)
Reason #04 - So we can have a presence of cultural and economic understanding. 
Reason #03  - So we can all have a place to learn, motivate, inspire, and love. 
Reason #02 - So that problems are less complex and entwined, and we can find a way to co-exist.
Reason #01 - I blog for peace because I see no reason not to.  I think peace is something every one in this world wishes and dreams for.

November 2, 2011

Reason #2: Blogging for Peace

This is the challenge: If you are a peace blogger (even if you're not!) join us in counting down to the next BlogBlast For Peace on November 4, 2011. We say we want peace? The world wants to know why. Let's tell them. Simply post this logo on your blog or FB page with one reason each day for the next 100 days. How many reasons can we find?

Reason #100 - So my children have a better world to live in.
Reason #99 - To stop the hatred
Reason #98 - To be free from pain
Reason #97 – Because peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you do , something you are and something you give away (Robert Fulghum)
Reason #96 – Peace helps eliminate stress, worries and anxieties
Reason #95 – To help us develop patience
Reason #94 – To help us develop tolerance
Reason #93 – To help us feel stable
Reason #92 – Because every life is precious
Reason #91 – To make life look brighter
Reason #90 – Peace is its own reward. (Gandhi)
Reason #89 – So we can sleep at night with fewer worries.
Reason #88 – To prevent things like "Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan"
Reason #87 – So we can sing loud and proud!
Reason #86 - So people can travel the world and enjoy all the wonders.
Reason #85 - So some people have a good reason to get up in the mornings.
Reason #84 - To help prevent hunger
Reason #83 - To eliminate hate crimes
Reason #82 - To help eliminate poverty 
Reason #81 - To promote better health 
Reason #80 -  So we can leave our doors unlocked at night
Reason #79 -  So the world can stand united
Reason #78 - To share the love 
Reason #77 - To rid the world of demons 
Reason #76 - To show the world there is nothing wrong with getting along 
Reason #75 - To end the suffering of millions of people
Reason #74 - Because there is nothing wrong with getting along
Reason #73 - So my son can sleep in his own bed each night.
Reason #72 - To end child abuse
Reason #71 - To end animal abuse
Reason #70 - To promote understanding
Reason #69 - So everyone can have an education
Reason #68 - So dreams can come true
Reason #67- To fill the world with love
Reason #66 - To fill the world with happiness     
Reason #65 - To prevent abuse of the elderly
Reason #64 - To work together to find  a cure for cancer
Reason #63 - So that people slow down to smell the roses
Reason #62 - So there are no more protest at military funerals
Reason #61 - To protect the world from stupidity
Reason #60 - So that everyone's opinion is truly valued  
Reason #59 - To prevent "flash mobs"
Reason #58 -  So that people have a real reason to want to change
Reason #57 - “Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.” ~Buddha
Reason #56 -  So we may enjoy moments of silence
Reason #55 - So that people are not afraid to stop and help someone that is broke down on 
                      the side of the road.
Reason #54 - So that things like 9-11 never happen again
Reason #53 -  To help prevent drive by shooting.
Reason #52 -  So we can dance in the streets
Reason #51 -  To celebrate life
Reason #50 -  To enjoy love
Reason #49 -  So we can safely reach out to our neighbors.
Reason #48 -  So people of all races can share a meal together
Reason #47 - So our loved ones always feel safe.
Reason #46 - So everyone can enjoy a good game of Football.     
Reason #45 - Why not blog for peace?
Reason #44 - So we can all take long walks  in the woods.
Reason #43 - To be able to stroll down the beach hand in hand.
Reason #42 - To beat the devils at their own games.
Reason #41 - To work together to cure the common cold
Reason #40 - So that everyone has a friend they can lean on
Reason #39 - So people dont have to hide in their closets.
Reason #38 - So children dont have to hide under their beds.
Reason #37 - So that everyone can tell the truth and not be punished.
Reason #36 - To prevent the annihilation of the human race
Reason #35 - Because we all need a little love in our life.
Reason #34 - So we can all sit on our front porch and  enjoy the fresh air.
Reason #33 - For freedom
Reason #32 - To preserve our planet
Reason #31 - To save our values
Reason #30 - To uphold our morals
Reason #29 - To raise the bar on our standards
Reason #28 - To fill the world with harmony
Reason #27 - So laughter can fill the streets
Reason #26 - So that even the weary can rest
Reason #25 - To help prevent child abuse around the world
Reason #24 - To help prevent animal abuse around the world
Reason #23 - So we can stop chasing our dreams and begin to live those dreams
Reason #22 - To prevent senseless deaths
Reason #21 - To prevent senseless destruction
Reason #20 - Because I see no reason why we should not Blog For Peace
Reason #19 - Because I WANT to blog for Peace
Reason #18 - Because we NEED peace 

Reason #17 - Because sometimes we do crazy things
Reason #16 - Because Peace is something we have to work hard for
Reason #15 - Because peace is something that takes a united group
Reason #14 - So everyone can enjoy a good baseball game (or whatever sport they like) in comfort.
Reason #13 - So everyone can love their country.
Reason #12 - So we can live longer
Reason #11 - So we can live healthier
Reason #10 - To be heard as one very loud voice
Reason #09 - To stand side by side, together, rather than so many separate entities
Reason #08 - So that tears of sorrow can be tears of joy.
Reason #07 - So that the dreams of tomorrow can become realities of today.
Reason #06 - So we can stop imaging peace and begin living in peace. 
Reason #05 - Because a dream you dream alone is only a dream, A dream you dream together is reality (Yoko Ono)
Reason #04 - So we can have a presence of cultural and economic understanding. 
Reason #03  - So we can all have a place to learn, motivate, inspire, and love. 
Reason #02 - So that problems are less complex and entwined, and we can find a way to co-exist.

November 1, 2011

Reason #3: Blogging for Peace

This is the challenge: If you are a peace blogger (even if you're not!) join us in counting down to the next BlogBlast For Peace on November 4, 2011. We say we want peace? The world wants to know why. Let's tell them. Simply post this logo on your blog or FB page with one reason each day for the next 100 days. How many reasons can we find?

Reason #100 - So my children have a better world to live in.
Reason #99 - To stop the hatred
Reason #98 - To be free from pain
Reason #97 – Because peace is not something you wish for, it is something you make, something you do , something you are and something you give away (Robert Fulghum)
Reason #96 – Peace helps eliminate stress, worries and anxieties
Reason #95 – To help us develop patience
Reason #94 – To help us develop tolerance
Reason #93 – To help us feel stable
Reason #92 – Because every life is precious
Reason #91 – To make life look brighter
Reason #90 – Peace is its own reward. (Gandhi)
Reason #89 – So we can sleep at night with fewer worries.
Reason #88 – To prevent things like "Helicopter Crash in Afghanistan"
Reason #87 – So we can sing loud and proud!
Reason #86 - So people can travel the world and enjoy all the wonders.
Reason #85 - So some people have a good reason to get up in the mornings.
Reason #84 - To help prevent hunger
Reason #83 - To eliminate hate crimes
Reason #82 - To help eliminate poverty 
Reason #81 - To promote better health 
Reason #80 -  So we can leave our doors unlocked at night
Reason #79 -  So the world can stand united
Reason #78 - To share the love 
Reason #77 - To rid the world of demons 
Reason #76 - To show the world there is nothing wrong with getting along 
Reason #75 - To end the suffering of millions of people
Reason #74 - Because there is nothing wrong with getting along
Reason #73 - So my son can sleep in his own bed each night.
Reason #72 - To end child abuse
Reason #71 - To end animal abuse
Reason #70 - To promote understanding
Reason #69 - So everyone can have an education
Reason #68 - So dreams can come true
Reason #67- To fill the world with love
Reason #66 - To fill the world with happiness     
Reason #65 - To prevent abuse of the elderly
Reason #64 - To work together to find  a cure for cancer
Reason #63 - So that people slow down to smell the roses
Reason #62 - So there are no more protest at military funerals
Reason #61 - To protect the world from stupidity
Reason #60 - So that everyone's opinion is truly valued  
Reason #59 - To prevent "flash mobs"
Reason #58 -  So that people have a real reason to want to change
Reason #57 - “Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.” ~Buddha
Reason #56 -  So we may enjoy moments of silence
Reason #55 - So that people are not afraid to stop and help someone that is broke down on 
                      the side of the road.
Reason #54 - So that things like 9-11 never happen again
Reason #53 -  To help prevent drive by shooting.
Reason #52 -  So we can dance in the streets
Reason #51 -  To celebrate life
Reason #50 -  To enjoy love
Reason #49 -  So we can safely reach out to our neighbors.
Reason #48 -  So people of all races can share a meal together
Reason #47 - So our loved ones always feel safe.
Reason #46 - So everyone can enjoy a good game of Football.     
Reason #45 - Why not blog for peace?
Reason #44 - So we can all take long walks  in the woods.
Reason #43 - To be able to stroll down the beach hand in hand.
Reason #42 - To beat the devils at their own games.
Reason #41 - To work together to cure the common cold
Reason #40 - So that everyone has a friend they can lean on
Reason #39 - So people dont have to hide in their closets.
Reason #38 - So children dont have to hide under their beds.
Reason #37 - So that everyone can tell the truth and not be punished.
Reason #36 - To prevent the annihilation of the human race
Reason #35 - Because we all need a little love in our life.
Reason #34 - So we can all sit on our front porch and  enjoy the fresh air.
Reason #33 - For freedom
Reason #32 - To preserve our planet
Reason #31 - To save our values
Reason #30 - To uphold our morals
Reason #29 - To raise the bar on our standards
Reason #28 - To fill the world with harmony
Reason #27 - So laughter can fill the streets
Reason #26 - So that even the weary can rest
Reason #25 - To help prevent child abuse around the world
Reason #24 - To help prevent animal abuse around the world
Reason #23 - So we can stop chasing our dreams and begin to live those dreams
Reason #22 - To prevent senseless deaths
Reason #21 - To prevent senseless destruction
Reason #20 - Because I see no reason why we should not Blog For Peace
Reason #19 - Because I WANT to blog for Peace
Reason #18 - Because we NEED peace 

Reason #17 - Because sometimes we do crazy things
Reason #16 - Because Peace is something we have to work hard for
Reason #15 - Because peace is something that takes a united group
Reason #14 - So everyone can enjoy a good baseball game (or whatever sport they like) in comfort.
Reason #13 - So everyone can love their country.
Reason #12 - So we can live longer
Reason #11 - So we can live healthier
Reason #10 - To be heard as one very loud voice
Reason #09 - To stand side by side, together, rather than so many separate entities
Reason #08 - So that tears of sorrow can be tears of joy.
Reason #07 - So that the dreams of tomorrow can become realities of today.
Reason #06 - So we can stop imaging peace and begin living in peace. 
Reason #05 - Because a dream you dream alone is only a dream, A dream you dream together is reality (Yoko Ono)
Reason #04 - So we can have a presence of cultural and economic understanding. 
Reason #03  - So we can all have a place to learn, motivate, inspire, and love.