October 22, 2015

30 Days of Love - Day 18: Fall Weather

Day 18 is dedicated to Fall Weather.

Shelby and I spent the afternoon hanging out in the beautiful Fall weather. The trees have lost all their leaves and I really dread winter,  However, Fall is still a beautiful time of year. Smells during the Fall time of year are so awesome. The fallen leaves reminds me of playing in the woods as a child and of walks in the woods with family and friends.  The sounds of nature surrounding me brought a bit of peace to my soul.

Fall is the time of year for sweatshirts and cuddling up next to the warm fire while sipping a up of apple cider.  Football games, campfires, raking leaves and jumping into the piles over and over....all fun reminders that life can be good.


  1. hello shannon its dennis the vizsla dog hay dada always goze on abowt how fall wuz his fayvrit seezun bak in the mithikal land of noo york!!! i am not shoor why he left if he luvd fall so mutch heer fall is just an ekstenshun of summer and he is nown not to be a fan of eether heet or sunlite!!! hyoomans ar weerd!!! by the way kan i hav sum cider??? thanks!!! ok bye

  2. Love the blue sky pics and woodsy vibe .
    My favorite season .


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