July 26, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Questions for Readers

This week's Sunday Stealing is Questions for Readers.

1. Why did you pick the book? The title and the cover caught my attention. 

2. What did you think about the book? It was better then I expected.

3. What do you know about the author? I do not know anything about the author.  This is the first book I read by this author.

4. What’s the most memorable scene? No particular scene stands out.

5. How did the book make you feel? Mad, sad, confused.

6. How do you feel about the way the story was told? It was told well. However, there seem to be too many plot twists.

7. Which parts of the book stood out to you? Nothing particular stood out.

8. Which specific parts of the protagonist can you relate to? I can relate to her wanting to find out what happened and how she can't seem to let go of the past.

9. Which character did you relate to the most? The main character.

10. Share a line or passage from the book. "We stand there for a while in silence, watching, until with a last flurry of song, the robin flies away."

11. What did you think about the ending?  It was not what I expected.

12. Is the story plot driven or character driven? I think it was character driven.

13. If the book was made into a movie, what changes or decisions would you hope for? Less twists so that there is less confusion.

14. How did the book change you? The book did not change me.

15. If the book is part of a series, how does it stand on its own? This book was not a part of a series.

July 19, 2020

Sunday Stealing: More From Facebook

This week's Sunday Stealing is more questions from Facebook.

1. What's your favorite movie from your childhood and why?

Sitting on my grandparents porch, listening to Grandpa talk about the good old days.  I always felt safe around my grandparents and they made me feel very loved.

2. What is home to you?

Home is where you can relax and get away from the insane world we life in.

3. Do you get emotionally invested in stories? (I'm asking about movies, books, tv shows, whatever medium you like your stories in.)

It truly depends on the story. It it is a story about an animal, child or death, I get very emotionally involved.

4. What is the most physical damage you've ever received without needing medical intervention (so no stitches or splints or anything)?

Over the years I have fallen many time and always end up with bruises and/or cuts.  

5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Hopefully not very much because I don't want to pick it all up when he or she is done.

6. Do you have any obsessions? Like Tv shows, or cats or something. Not addictions.

I am obsessed with animal videos, especially videos with Boxers in them.  I love Boxers.

7. What question or question would you like God to answer?

I would ask him why my son had to die at such a young age.

8. Do you bite your nails?

I bite my nails very rarely.

9. What do you like about the place you live, I mean your housing, apt, house, mobile home, etc

I like that my current house is in town and has a nice yard. 

10. What do you like about the city or town where you live?

It is small and has a good home town feel.

11. Is there one place you have visited that you wish you could live there?

I would not mind living near the Great Smokey Mountains or maybe even in Florida.

12. What's your favorite cookie to snack on?

Chocolate Chip of course.

13. Are you a Apple person or PC type person and why?

I prefer Apple iPhone because in my opinion they are more user friendly. I prefer a desktop PC because it is easier for me to see things on.

14. What's your favorite things about the Zoo?

The tigers, elephants and prairie dogs.

15. Did you grow up in the country, city or small town and what did you like about it (or hate about it if you didn’t like it?)

I grew up in the country about five miles out of town.  I enjoyed living in the country as a kid but as an adult, I prefer to live in the city and have the conveniences of being in the city.

16. What kinds of things were you into and do when you were growing up?

I was into books.  I loved and still love to read.

17 .Do you enjoy receiving letters or postcards more, and why?

I prefer postcards.  I feel that postcards tell more of a story based on the photos on the front of them and where they are mailed from.

18. Do or did you know any of your great-grandparents? Tell me about them.

I knew my great Grandpa (mom's side of the family).  I was not very old when he was around and the only memory I have of him is....every time one of the grand-kids or great grand-kids would walk by his room, he would meow at us.

19. Do you like to be outdoors? What is your favorite thing to do there?

I use to love going camping and fishing.  However, the older I get the more I would just rather sit around the fire pit and relax.

20. Have you ever broken a bone or been badly injured?

I had a really bad cut on my knee that required stitches.  I have not (yet) broken any bones.

July 18, 2020

Watch Your......

“Watch your thoughts they become words.
Watch your words they become actions.
Watch your actions they become habits.
Watch your habits they become character.
Watch your character it becomes your destiny.”

July 17, 2020

Happy World Emoji Day!

Happy World Emoji Day 2020

July 16, 2020

Stuck In My Head: "Pull Me Under" by Dream Theater

"Pull Me Under"

Lost in the sky
Clouds roll by
And I roll with them
Arrows fly
Seas increase
And then fall again

This world is spinning around me
This world is spinning without me
Every day sends future to past
Every breath leaves me one less
To my last

Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow
Then some other day

I'll take seven lives for one
And then my only father's son
As sure as I did ever love him
I am not afraid

This world is spinning around me
The whole world keeps
Spinning around me
All life is future to past
Every breath leaves me one less
To my last

Pull me under
Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is set it right

Dust fills my eyes
Clouds roll by
And I roll with them
Centuries cry
Orders fly
And I fall again

This world is spinning inside me
The whole world is
Spinning inside of me
Every day sends future to past
Every step brings me closer
To my last

Pull me under
Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in
The sun
Only until your will is done

July 14, 2020

eCard of the Week #368: Silence is Golden

Silence is golden, expect when coming from children.
Then you'd better go check to see what's broken.

July 12, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Movie Challenge

This week's Sunday Stealing is from Sharon Compton.

1. Last movie you watched:

I recently watched "6 Underground' on Netflix. (I love Ryan Reynolds!)

2. Last movie you watched in a theater.

It has been awhile since I have been to the theater. I cannot remember which movie I saw the last time I went.

3. Film you’ve always wanted to watch, but haven’t.

None that I can think of.

4. Favorite movie soundtrack

The Purple Rain soundtrack.

5. Your favorite movie duo

Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicut from M*A*S*H

6. Movie you like because of its story

The Fault in Our Stars

7. A film that disappointed you

The Smurfs

8. Favorite scene from a movie

The scene in Gone With The Wind where Rhett says, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." (See below)

9. Your guilty pleasure movie

None that I can think of.

10. A movie you keep going back to

 Gone With The Wind

11. A quote your admire from your favorite movie.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Said by Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind

12. A movie based on a true story


13. Your favorite actor/actress

Ryan Reynolds

14. A sequel you’re not a fan of

Nearly all of the Rocky sequels.

15. A film you know by heart

 Gone With The Wind

16. Your favorite opening scene

The Lion King

17. A film that was based on a book and was executed well

The Green Mile

18. A comedy film

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

19. TV series you’re binging on now

I am currently binging on The Office.  I recently finished, Mr. Iglesias and Mom.

20. A TV series you think is underrated.

Space Force.  Steve Carell cracks me up!

July 9, 2020

Hail and Lake Front Property

This morning it was hailing and this afternoon it is flooding.
The lot between my house and the neighbor's house is flooded.
We have lake front property!! LOL
Photo (c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley
Video and Photos (c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley

July 6, 2020

Rest in Peace Charlie Daniels

Charlie Daniels passed away on July 6, 2020.  
The following song is one of my favorites from him.
"The Devil Went Down to Georgia" is a song written and performed by the 
Charlie Daniels Band and released on their 1979 album Million Mile Reflections.

The devil went down to Georgia

He was lookin' for a soul to steal
He was in a bind
'Cause he was way behind
And he was willin' to make a deal
When he came upon this young man

Sawin' on a fiddle and playin' it hot
And the devil jumped
Up on a hickory stump
And said, "boy, let me tell you what
I guess you didn't know it

But I'm a fiddle player too
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you
Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy

But give the devil his due
I'll bet a fiddle of gold
Against your soul
'Cause I think I'm better than you"
The boy said, "my name's Johnny

And it might be a sin
But I'll take your bet
And you're gonna regret
'Cause I'm the best there's ever been"
Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard

'Cause hell's broke loose in Georgia, and the devil deals the cards
And if you win, you get this shiny fiddle made of gold
But if you lose, the devil gets your soul
The devil opened up his case

And he said, "I'll start this show"
And fire flew from his fingertips
As he rosined up his bow
Then he pulled the bow across the strings

And it made an evil hiss
And a band of demons joined in
And it sounded something like this
When the devil finished

Johnny said, "well, you're pretty good, old son
But sit down in that chair right there
And let me show you how it's done"
He played Fire on the Mountain run boys, run

The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun
Chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough
Granny, does your dog bite? No child, no
The devil bowed his head

Because he knew that he'd been beat
And he laid that golden fiddle
On the ground at Johnny's feet
Johnny said, "Devil, just come on back

If you ever want to try again
I done told you once you son of a bitch
I'm the best that's ever been"
He played Fire on the Mountain run boys, run

The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun
Chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough
Granny, does your dog bite? No child, no

July 5, 2020

Sunday Stealing: How's the Weather?

This week's Sunday Stealing was adapted from Friday Five.

1. Have you ever had a vacation ruined by the weather or did you just work around it?

I do not recall ever having a vacation that was ruined by the weather.  If there was any type of weather going on, I am sure I worked around it.

2. What small changes do you feel people could make to give the planet a fighting chance against global warming?

Changes such as reducing water waste and reducing food waste.

3. Are you adversely affect by the weather, such as SAD?

Winter weather has an adverse affect on me.  The dreariness and getting dark so early depresses me.
Bitmoji Image
4. How is the weather where you are and have you seen drastic changes in it during your life time?

It is currently quite warm in the area I live in.  Based on what the locals say, this warm weather for such long stretches in this area is becoming more and more common....much different than the good old days.

5. Do you think we can stop global warming or is it too late?

I don't think we can stop global warming, but maybe we can help slow it down.

6. What could you do for an hour or so today that you would really enjoy doing?

I could sleep for a hour or more.

7. What could you do for an hour today that might improve your life in the future?

I could take a walk to improve my health.

8. What could you do for an hour today that could strengthen or improve a skill you would like to be able to rely on?

I could work on making graphics to improve my Paint Shop Pro skills.

Bitmoji Image9. What could you do for an hour today that would make your living space more pleasant to live in?

I could clean the house.

10. What could you do for an hour today that would improve your relationships with loved ones?

I could reach out to all my loved ones individually and see how they are doing.

11. Do you like, dislike, or pay no attention to the wind?

It depends on what I am doing.  For the most part I pay no attention to the wind.

12. Do you have allergies or sinus made worse by the wind?

Not that I am aware of.

13. Have you ever been caught in a big wind (not a hurricane or tornado)?

I have been caught in a big wind many times.  

14. When was the last time you flew a kite?

Either in 2009 or 2010....my son and I had fun trying to fly a kite. We were not very successful.

15.Would you like to have the power of flight?

I would love to have the power of flight.

July 4, 2020

July 1, 2020

July is Bereaved Parents Awareness Month

July is Bereaved Parents Awareness Month.
Reach out to the grieving parents in your life and let them know you are there for them
Let them know you realize they are struggling every day just to survive.
Show them...tell them....let them know their child is not forgotten.
I will always love and remember my son, until the day I day.
I think about him every day and dream about him at night.
I missed Colt yesterday.
I miss Colt today, and I will miss Colt tomorrow.
 My life is BCD (before Colt died) and ACD (after Colt died).
This pain will never go away...and I don't want it to.
Why? Because I want Colt to always be remembered.