April 14, 2008

Manic Monday: April 14, 2008

Manic Monday for April 14, 2008

Is there anything for which you would willingly give your life? I would give my life for my children. They come first in my life. I would also give my life for my brother.

How would you communicate with someone if you didn't share a common language? I would use non-verbal gestures, or if I was able to I would use an online translator to communicate with them.

Where is your ideal place/location to have a wedding? I don't like big weddings...it seems like such a waste of money. I prefer to get married in front of Judge (Justice of the Peace) then have a small reception afterwards.

Come play along!: http://manicmondaymeme.blogspot.com/


  1. hsppy Monday!!

    I said the same thing for the first quesion

  2. Children make the world a better place :)

  3. Great answers! Love the first one;)

  4. Hope you have a great week! I don't like big weddings either, but I just couldn't bring myself to do a JotP wedding. We had a little under 100 people and that was plenty.

  5. A 100 people would not be too bad.

    Thanks for commenting.

  6. of course the first question is children. Same with me.

    Mine in here Thanks

  7. I agree with everything you said here. I want a small wedding cheap and on the beach. Have a great week!

  8. Picturing_of_Life - Kids make the world a happier place :).

    Kristin - Small, cheap weddings are the way to go :)

    Thank you both for commenting!

  9. Have a great week!!!!

    Great answers! I myself am partial to big huge weddings, maybe its the Italian in me LOL

  10. There really isn't anything wrong with big weddings...I just don't like crowds.

  11. I took "anything" literally. LOL!

    But ofcourse I would give my life for my children.

    Feel welcome to visit my manic monday at Laane on the World

    Have a great week!

  12. I agree with you about big weddings. It is more practical to give attention to the marriage than the wedding itself.



  13. Thank you for commenting Laane and Serena.

    Laane...it is ok to take "anything" literally!

    Serena...I agree. The focus should be on the actual marriage!

  14. You can have a nice wedding and still not spend a lot. We did that; we were short of money, so we prioritize the honeymoon. Our party was in a pub of a tennis club (managed by a friend) and all the food came from my wife's store. The result? One of those simple parties that everybody remembers years after: "Man, those ravioli we had at 3AM rocked!" :-)

    Hope you had a happy Manic Monday!

    My post

  15. Gabriel. a few people have said that you can have a nice wedding and still not spend a lot. I am glad you were able to :)

    Thanks for commenting.


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