May 30, 2008

Friday Fill-in's: May 30, 2008

Questions courtesy of MindFul Mimi who had some thought- provoking ones this week; thank you, Mimi!

1. For me sitting around staring at the tv is the opposite of creativity.
2. Rules of Prey by John Sandford was the last excellent book I read was.
3. I like fill-ins because it is fun and makes my brain work.
4. In nature I like looking at
beautiful flowers, such as roses and lilacs.
I am still not sure who I think should win the US elections.
6. The last time I laughed with all my belly was earlier when I was surfing
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to playing World of Warcraft (as usual)
, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in late and doing nothing all day, and Sunday, I want to get some laundry done!


  1. I'm with you on #5. I wonder if most Americans feel this way.


  2. is a very addicting web site.

    Pooch..I think they are.

  3. I'll have to check out Cute Overload! And, I agree with you on #5 . . . I just don't know, hence the reason for my answer.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I once was a big fan of Sanford's Prey series but I lost track of it and I don't know why.

    And it's a rather sad comment that after they've spent so much money and wasted so much of our time that there are so many people who don't know who they're voting for yet.


  5. I think the laundry is in my future too... ugh!

  6. Hi Jennifer :) I hope you like Cute Overload.

    Howdy CJ! I agree...all the time and money wasted and folks are still undecided.

    Knitter...I get so tired of doing laundry! LOL

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  7. laundry why did you have to remind me LOL I think I need to do some as well! Have a Great Weekend!

  8. Hope you have a great weekend Shannon! :) Happy Friday!

  9. Most of the Tv is mind numbing isn't it!

  10. Cute Overload is a daily favorite of mine, too :)
    Have a terrific Friday!

  11. World of Warcraft huh? I used to be hooked on Asheron's Call back in another life. Haven't played RPG games in years. As usual, great post! Happy Friday!

  12. LOL Sorry about that Amanda!

    Thanks Kristle!

    Yes, indeed it is Knitter.

    Thanks Deb! You too.

    Thank you Sandy! Happy Friday!

  13. If you need help finding a candidate, I have a great nominee for president! ;)
    I want to play games this weekend!! Well...after all, this is the last class weekend & then I can play all weekend if I want for a whole quarter.
    Happy Friday! :)

  14. Lilacs -- very nice thought!
    Saturday sounds like FUN! LOL
    Good luck with the ongoing game.

  15. Thanks Jean! Have a great weekend.


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