May 6, 2008

Heads or Tails: Mother

Hi everyone! Welcome to week #37 of Heads Or Tails!

This week's theme/prompt is:
HEADS - Mother

"Forever Mother"

I think as little girls
We are all born to be a Mother
The same as all the rest
Yet different from one another
We cuddle dolls and puppies
We fix boo boos and small aches
We have this built in nurse
And do whatever it takes
We all have our little quirks
But the love I remember best
Mom wasn’t there all the time
But when she was it was filled with zest
She’s take me to the beauty parlor
Her hair done , I’d get nails
Being with her , in her special place
Put the wind right into my sails
So now I’m grown and have kids
Two of my own grown and finding their way
I reflect back to the time
When I shared that same kind of day
Once a little girl
And now I am another
I’ll never forget , and my memories I’ll keep
Of my forever Mother

(c) 2007 Debi Fisher


  1. So completely true and wonderful1!!! though we need to think about this more often, how wonderful all mothers are :-)

  2. Mothers Rock! Thanks for commenting Lifecruiser.

  3. Lovely poem for today’s HoT prompt! I shared memories of my mom at Small Reflections this morning.
    Hugs and blessings,

  4. This is a beautiful poem! Great post.


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