May 16, 2008

Shannon's Introduction - Mommyfest Blog Party

Hello Everyone and Welcome to My Blog!

My name is Shannon and I am a 37-year-old mother of two, that currently lives in Missouri, USA. My daughter, Vickie is 19-years-old and my son, Colt is 15-years-old. I also have one grandson, Jeremiah that is three months old. Vickie just got married on May 3, 2008 to Eric...I wish them both a life of love, peace and happiness. I also have two dogs. Annabelle is a 7 1/2 year old black lab/cocker spaniel mix. Shelby is a 3 1/2 year old boxer/catahoula mix.

I work full-time as the Business Manager of a non-profit organization that supports the United States Chemical Corps. In my free time I like to play World of Warcraft online, blog, play online games at, read, watch movies and make graphics and tags using Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop. I also like to go camping and fishing.

Thank you for visiting my blog!


  1. Hey Shannon,

    Nice to see you doing the Blog party as well :D. You'll have to add me to your pogo friends list (thetruelilbusta1) and give me your pogo name too so I can add you.

    Happy Mother's Day! Have a great blog party!

  2. I like your blog! I'm on my way to frolic in the pool for Mother's Day - but when I have more time (tomorrow!) I definitely want to read your blog more!

  3. Gina...Howdy!!! I am a pogo addict. My screenname is wldteddybare.

    Meryl..The pool? Now that sounds like a great way to spend Mother's Day!

    Thank you both for visiting.

  4. Hi, Shannon. Happy to meet you. I'll come back to read some more later. Have a great one! :)

  5. thanks for visiting my momiespace. have a great mommyfest!

  6. I'm in MO as well! Party on!!!

  7. Hi, it's nice to meet you! My name is Tina aka mummifiedx5. I also joined the MommyFest blog party and I hope to see you at my Mummified Times Five blog!

  8. is nice to meet you also. are very welcome.

    Joy...Howdy Neighbor!

    Tina...nice to meet you!

    Thank you all for visiting!

  9. Hi Shannon - thanks for visiting my blog and for joining Mommyfest. I look forward to learning more about you. :)

  10. Hello Momsoapbox. It is nice to meet you also. Happy Mommyfest!

  11. I hope you had a great mothers day. It is nice to meet you. Come by for a visit.

  12. Nice to meet you! I'm Karen. It sounds like you keep yourself busy.

    Hope to see you around the blog party!!

  13. Tiffany...Thank you Tiffany.

    Karen...Hello! It is nice to met you also!

  14. Nice to meet you! I hope you have a blast at Mommy Fest! Come check out our scavenger hunt today!

  15. Ohhh a scavenger hunt! Thanks for the invitation Crystal!

  16. Just dropping in from Mommyfest! It's nice to meet you! If you have time this week, check out the MOTHER'S DAY BLOG BASH GIVEAWAY going on at from Serena & Lily, Hand Picked Pumpkin, Modern June, Silly Jilly Bean, Pink Lemonade Bags, My Pink Zebra Boutique, Kenarie's and many more!

    I'm also about to begin a new feature called "Coffee with..." that will put the spotlight on a new mom blogger each week. If you're interested in being featured, check it out!

    If you're a "crafty" mom, be sure to check out the info on Marketplace for Moms while you're there!

  17. Notes_From_My_Nest...Thank you for dropping by. It is nice to meet you also. Thank you for the invite..I will check it out soon :)

  18. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. It's nice to meet you!

  19. You are very welcome. Nice to meet you also.

  20. Hi

    Nice to meet you. I hope you come visit my blog and don't forget to enter my contest. :-) Happy Blog Partying!

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog. This is a fun way to learn about other blogging mommas

  22. It's so great to meet you in the Mommyfest Blog Party!

    I hope to see you at my blog also. (I was a little late putting my site in the links, but you can go to The "Official" Heather Quarnstrom Blog.) Don't forget to enter the contests while you're there. :D

    I hope you had a great Mother's Day!

  23. It's so nice to meet you! Your blog is so fun!

    Come visit me this week. I have a fun giveaway going on Wednesday.

  24. Little_Ladybug_Designs...Hello! I will visit soon :) are very welcome!

    Unycorne...It is great to meet you also!

    We_are_THAT_Family...Thank you!

    Thank you all for visiting and commenting!

  25. Just dropping by from the party to say hi! Hope to see you drop by my site.

  26. Hello Jenny! Nice to meet you! Thank you for visiting.

  27. Hi Shannon!
    Just stopping by with the MommyFest! Have a great Tuesday.


  28. Hello
    Popped over from Mommyfest. It's so cool to blog hop.
    Nice to meet you. My dh loves EVE- have you tried that? :)

  29. My fiancee plays Eve...for awhile he was very addicted!

  30. Hi Shannon! Thanks for stopping by my blog! (Good Yarns) I see we have a few things in common - Aerosmith, pogo and my mom grew up in MO and I spent many summers there. Have a great day!

  31. Howdy Sue! Thank you for coming over to my blog :). I love Missouri (most days LOL)

  32. Hi Shannon,
    I was instructed on That's My Answer to visit the person above me which is you. I visit you a lot anyway because you are on my blogroll!! I didn't know you live in Missouri..we just got back from a vacation to Branson!! How far are you from there? Love the tree!

  33. Hi, stopping by from Mommy Fest! This blog hopping thing is fun! I LOVE playing aound with Paint Shop Pro too!!! I've got my welcome post up at my Spice World blog. Hope to see you around. Happy hump day!

  34. Nice to be blogging with you. Come on over to for some great giveaways.


  35. You have a lovely blog. I am just stopping by from Mommyfest to say hi. It's nice to meet you. Have a great day.

  36. Gina...I live about an hour and a half away from Branson :)

    Spice...Happy Hump Day!

    Marina said...thanks for the invite.

    Little_Window_Shoppe...Thank you so very much.

  37. Just stopping in from Mommyfest.

    Your "tall, fat and happy" cracked me up!

    I can't wait to try that peanut butter cookie recipe, looks so easy!

    So nice to meet you!

    โ™ฅ Melissa~
    Pink Paper Peppermints

  38. LOL thanks Melissa! Nice to meet you also.

  39. Thanks for the comments...I think he's handsome, too...I married his clone almost 12 years ago. Do you mind if I tag you on my blog...I'd like to come back. I'm off to take a hot bath...jr. went down early tonight...yeah! But I want to check out your other blogs. Talk to you soon.

  40. Hi Shannon, I'm Audrey. Very nice to meet you. We have quite a bit in common. I too work for a non profit. I have an 18 year old. It's fun to meet others who you have things in common with.

  41. HI, stopping by from mommyfest! i love enjoyed looking around blog. hope to see you soon

  42. PARTY ON!!

    Nice to meet you, just bopping by from the Mommyfest Blog Party!

    Stop by my blog to win an Itunes Gift Card!


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