May 11, 2008

Situation Sunday: May 11, 2008

Welcome, Relax and let your imagination take over and play Situation Sunday. Please leave your link in the comments, and remember no cell phones are in use to help you solve the situations. Enjoy!!

Situation # 1
You boss has invited you and another co-worker out to supper. You both are up for the same promotion, and only one will get it. The boss is taking you both to his favorite restaurant, that happens to be owned by another member of his family. You order a steak well done. The entree comes and is set before you....You notice it is way under cooked, as you start on the vegetables you notice a few strands of hair in the mashed potatoes........What do you do, or say when your waiter comes and asks you how everything is?

I would ask the waiter to please take the steak back and have it cooked properly and ask for more mashed potatoes. Why should I have to eat food I don't like or can't eat just for a job promotion?

Situation # 2
You have volunteered to answer phones at a help center for the weekend. Your first phone call comes from a 12 year old girl, that in between the tears you make out that she has caught her mother in bed with the neighbor and what should she do, she loves her Daddy and can't understand grownup doings. What do you tell her?

I would talk to her in a calm, reassuring voice and let her know that both parents still love her. It is not her fault that this happened. I would ask her to describe in detail how she feels and encourage her to talk about herself. We will work together to find a solution.

Situation # 3
It is Mothers Day! Your Mom lives in the same town that you do. She has always been very critical of you, your whole life. Nothing you have ever done is right in her eyes. Now how do you Honor Thy Mother, and make Mothers Day Special ?

My mother passed away on April 3, 1991. I think about her all the time even though she has been gone for 17 years. The years have flown by and so much has happened in those years...I wish she had been here for it all.


  1. Shannon, Happy Mothers Day! Thanks for playing. My Mom is in a nursing home, I wish I could do more for her than I do, she is a great Mom. I can relate to the feeling of Dad has been gone a long time and many moments I wish he was here. years seem to come and go, but the missing allways remains. Have a great week!

  2. Thank you Helena and Happy Mother's Day.



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