June 13, 2008

Friday Fun: Superstitions

Friday Fun: Superstitions
Hosted by Kiki

1. Any extra precautions for Friday the 13th? Not really. I didn't want to come to work, but I did any way.
So far it has been a good day. But it is still early so we shall see :)

2. What superstitions do you have?
I don't walk under ladders and I try to not step on cracks in the sidewalk.

3. Do you think there is really anything to superstitions, or is it something we just talk ourselves into?
I think it is a mixture of both. Some things we talk ourselves into but there are some things that cannot be explained.

4. The movies,… good or bad? Scary or just campy fun?
I like scary movies. There are really not that many that are actually scary and it seems that most of the newer movies are somewhat predictable.


  1. I agree most scary movies these days are predictable.

  2. 1. Any extra precautions for Friday the 13th? No, I'm on the pill :)

    2. What superstitions do you have? I don't walk "into" ladders...

    3. Do you think there is really anything to superstitions, or is it something we just talk ourselves into? There is something within that craves an explanation, superstition steps in to fill the voids for the unexplainable. Why am I uncomfortable with accepting the fact there is "no reason" for some stuff. It does in fact happen.

    4. The movies,… good or bad? Scary or just campy fun? some movies are just well done - that's the kind I like - scary is a genre and if it's well done i like it...

  3. I try not to walk into ladders either.


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