June 10, 2008

Heads or Tails: Flower

Heads or Tails: Flower
Hosted by Skittles

My favorite flowers are lilacs and roses.
They both smell awesome and are beautiful to look at.
I really love blue roses but they are hard to find.

Spring Lilac

blu rose


  1. Pretty Flowers! I have never heard of blue roses-too cool! My favorite color is yellow so I am partial to yellow flowers! THe Wildwood Flower at my place!

    Happy HoTs!

  2. I love LOVE Lilacs! We used to have some back when I had a yard. :)

    Your toons are bigger than my toons. LOL

  3. i never see blue roses... wow... lucky you :D

    Mine in here Thanks

  4. Hi Mercedes :) I think most of the blue roses I have seen were dyed by the florist.

    Howdy Skittles! My grandparents always had lilac growing in their yard, so that flower reminds me of home :)

    I have been playing WoW for nearly 4 years :). I get bored and roll alts often LOL

  5. Both beautiful, but that blue rose is just stunning!

    Happy HOT day! My entry is here:

    My Life In The Urban Zoo

  6. wow i dont think i have ever saw a blue rose. that is fab!

    Thanks for stopping by my hots! x

  7. I love blue roses also. What a pretty breed of lilacs. I like the white tips on them.

  8. Thank you Sue.

    You are welcome Tina.

    You can beat blue roses and Lilac Tammy :)

  9. This is the 2ND blue rose I've seen on a blog in the past week! Where DO you people find them? What's the name of the rose? I just GOTTA find me one!!!

    My H o T is shared now, hope you can stop by. I'm hoping it's unique this week. :o)

  10. Those are gorgeous flowers! I love the lilac as well! :) Actually, any purple/purpley flowers will do for me! :)

  11. Beautiful. I had never seen blue roses either.

  12. Anni...mostly they are white roses that have been dyed blue. BUT There are "Blue Moon Roses".

    Indeed Jvdhj!

    Thanks Karen.

  13. I love blue and yellow roses.

    My entry is up.

  14. lovely flowers. now i really wanted to beautify my garden more.

    you can see my flowers here!

    have a great day!

  15. What lovely flowers! Is there such a thing as a naturally blue rose? I honestly don't know.


  16. I love lilacs and roses, too. I did not know there was such a thing as a blue rose, though. That is gorgeous.

  17. Simone...I like yellow roses also but blue will always be my favorite.

    Milet...I would love to have a garden!

    Smarmoofus...I don't think there is a naturally blue rose. But I wish there was!

    Anna...Thanks :)

  18. I've never seen blue roses. Absolutely beautiful!!

  19. that is the most perfect blue rose...like you I love Lilacs....I am just sad that their bloom doesn't stay longer...

  20. I love lilacs, and I can honestly say I don't think I have ever seen a blue rose before. Beautiful!

  21. Rambler...very much so :)

    Linda...I think they are absolutely beautiful also.

    Smalltown RN...I wish lilacs bloomed longer also.

    Dawn...Thanks for visiting.

  22. Wow, those are gorgeous - crazy shade of blue. I do wish I could smell them through the screen :)

  23. I love different colored roses...I could never keep them alive in my garden though...and I live in a colder climate...too much work for me...I also love lilacs...but not so much the bugs on the lilacs...

  24. Lovely to look at โ€ฆ they hardly look real!!!
    Hugs and blessings,

  25. Maggies_mind...I wish I had a dozen of them to smell right now :).

    Robyn...they do attract bugs but I don't mind.

    Storyteller...I agree.

  26. I'm sorry, but that blue rose looks like it has been photoshopped! I know that it is probably real but since I have never seen a rose that colour, my mind tells me that it can't be real.

    Great photos though.

    There are daisy chains by the yard at my journal

  27. No need to be sorry :) everyone has their opinion :)


  28. My favourite flowers are Roses, there's something just so perfect about them, but my other favourite is Lavender. Have to admit that I've never seen a blue rose.

  29. Alley...I like Lavender also. But roses and lilacs will always be my favorite :)


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