June 5, 2008

Thursday Threesome: So, Ya'll like Music

Thursday Threesome: So, Ya'll like Music, -eh?
Hosted by Dan at The Back Porch

So-- what if everyone else does it?!? I'm different and I'm going to do it my way! Heh, what is that for you? ...the peanut butter and banana sandwich? ...tie-dyed seat covers for the car? ...or maybe an unusual sport?

~*~I enjoy a good peanut butter and banana sandwich! Now I am hungry! LOL I don't really have any special talent and I don't do anything unusual. I am just...me.~*~

Ya'll-- gonna' be catchin' any big ol' trout this year? ...any fishing people out there on the porch? Hey, even watching on TV counts for something...

~*~I like to go fishing but I doubt that I will have time to go this summer. I don't really like trout. I prefer catfish.~*~

"like Music--, like friends": we all have different varieties we listen to from time to time. How about an update on your musical tastes? Go for it!

~*~I enjoy Aerosmith, 80's music, hair bands, heavy metal, rap, country, R&B, Jazz, Dance, Hip Hop, 90's, Bluegrass, Country and more. I tend to like a wide variety of music.~*~

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