July 20, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings: July 20, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings
Hosted by Luna Nina

Luna Nina says ... and I think ... ?

1. Flicker :: Movie
2. Styling :: Profiling
3. Episode :: Television
4. Sexier :: Uglier
5. Studious :: Thoughtful
6. Mushroom :: Zangermarsh (World of Warcraft players know this one)
7. 8 minutes :: Running a mile
8. Bald :: Hairy
9. Immunity :: Freedom
10. Sectioned :: Portioned


  1. Are these unconscious or conscious mutterings? I like all your answers :)

  2. Hmmmmmm, uglier. Guess this is opposite association, yes?

    My mutterings are posted, stop by if you can. Have a super Sunday.

  3. I like the way your unconscious responded to 8 minutes and to immunity - strange the way our minds work, isn't it?
    And thanks for the explanation of your response to mushroom. I had to google it!

  4. Great mutterings. Have an awesome week!

  5. Thank you all for visiting this week! :)

    You are very welcome Gracie :) Google rocks.


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