August 30, 2008

Saturday 9: Labor Day

Saturday 9: The Happy Labor Day Meme
Hosted by Crazy Sam

1. What are you doing special this weekend for Labor Day? Driving home to Missouri from Wisconsin

2. What was your best vacation this past summer?
Going to Wisconsin

3. Did you do anything special for the 4th of July? No

4. What did you do special for Memorial Day? Nothing

5. How was the weather? Tell us where you live and how the weather was as compared to summers past.
I live in Missouri, USA and it was hot this summer, which is normal.

6. Did you discover a new favorite summer drink?

7. Did you enjoy this summer’s Olympics?
Not really

8. I am from New England (Rhode Island). Lobster rules supreme in the summer. Is lobster part of your summer ritual?

9. What was the best single day of your summer? The day school starts again.

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