September 8, 2008

Monday Musings: End of Summer

Hosted by Barbara at "Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers"

Stated by Hal Borland...“Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night”


  1. Yeah, but I still wouldn't mind if summer lasted a teensy bit longer! I was going to wait until next week to pull out my turtlenecks, but I'm going to have to do that tonight. I'm really not ready for that yet!

  2. And I am the other way around, I've been ready for fall since ... June. :) But then, I don't live in the frozen north so I am sure that has a bit to do with it.

    Cheers, great quote! Kiy

  3. I'm with both of you - it was strange short summer, but I'm ready for fall too. We're even under frost advisory tonight!


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