October 16, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Ninja Training

Thursday Threesome: Dodge, Parry and Block
Hosted by Dan at "The Back Porch"

Onesome: Dodge--? ...as in "Get outa'? Okay, so tomorrow is Friday: where would you go to "get out of Dodge" for a day (if you could, that is)? If it was only for one day then I would like to go to Branson, Missouri and see the new Titanic Museum. I would love to see all the artifacts from the ship. If I was able to get away for three or more days then I would like to go to Wisconsin.

Twosome: Parry--? What's your best comeback? ...and yeah, "Oh, yeah?" doesn't count !
I think my best comeback is "whatever". LOL I don't have any others that I can think of.

Threesome: Block-- Parties: do you have them? Apartment get togethers count too. Oh, heck, even dorm keggers, -eh?
I don't have parties...I am too old LOL. But my family, friends and I use to have Bonfire Parties...it was a blast. Ahhh the good old days.

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