November 23, 2008

Sunday Stealing: The Favorite Meme

Hosted by Judd Corizan

Fill in your favorite for each of the following:

1. Political show: None really

2. Picnic food: Fried Chicken

3. Mixed drink: Fuzzy Navel or Strawberry Daquari

4. U.S. President: Jimmy Carter

5. Kind of student to teach: One that listens

6. Hobby you do or wish you still did: I wish I could still work on models (airplanes, cars, etc)

7. Sports commentator: Mike Shannon and Jack Buck

8. Sport to watch on TV: Football

9. Animal to have as a pet: Dog

10. Halloween costume you have worn: A teddy bear

11. Kind of dessert: Chocolate, Cake, Pie, Fudge, Divinity

12. Comic strip: Garfield, Cathy, Ziggy, Maraduke, Peanuts

13. Ice cream flavor: Black Walnut, Cherry Garcia

14. News source: The Internet, CNN, Fox, and the local newpaper and tv stations

15. Vacation spot: The Smoky Mountains

16. Wine: None

17. Way to waste time instead of working: Blogging, Video Games, Reading, Watch Movies

18. Reality show: Iron Chef, Survivor

19. Childrens movie: The Lion King, Finding Nemo

20. Celebrity you wish would retire: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt


  1. A fuzzy navel sounds really good right about now.

  2. Love your celebrity answers...I am SO sick of them too. I'm also tiring of John Mayer. I can't understand how he gets all these beautiful women. LOL

    Cherry Garcia rocks.

  3. oohhh.. i love cathy & ziggy too! =) too bad about brad & angie, i love them! hehe

  4. Love your answer about the kids' movies. I responded, thinking of my own childhood, and consequently ignored one of my favorite heroes of recent film history -- Lilo's "dog" Stitch.

  5. a teddy bear, what a great idea!
    Yummo for fried chicken :o)
    What fun answers, Hope you have a good Sunday

  6. I am sick of the Pitt - Jolie show too! Happy Sunday, Shannon...

  7. Fishing...I have a cold so just give me the orange juice for now.

    Jodi...I get tired of nearly all celebrities.

    Issa..You can have Brad & Angie! LOL

    Gal...ohhh I like Stitch too.

    Amber...I love teddy bears. too!

  8. I just drank a whole carton of orange juice, took some codeine, and had the best sex scratch that dreams ever.

    I think we need to get someone drunk on straight vodka and cranberry juice. Never tried it before? Whatttt?

    Alas, you're moving in the next month?? What? Doesn't sound cool with no holiday tree.

  9. I never could eat Divinity, even though it's a big thing where I'm from--just toooo sweet. Have a great week!

  10. I love and so agree with your last answer. ;)

  11. dreams can be good too! And no I have never tried vodka and cranberry juice.

    Nurse...I can usually only eat a piece or two.

    Gina...thanks :) too.


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