December 5, 2008

Top Five On Friday #202

Top 5 On Friday
Hosted by The Meme Mistress at "The Music Memoirs"

Top 5 albums from classic rock artists.
1. "Toys in the Attic" by Aerosmith
"Back in Black" by AC/DC
3. "Skynyrd's Innyrds" by Lynyrd Skynyrd
"Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd
5. "The Best of ZZ Top" by ZZ Top


  1. I haven't listened to ZZ Top in a while. I'll have to rectify that. Nice list!

  2. Some good hard rock. Love them all.

    Toys is probably Aerosmith's best - although i really like the first one.

    I love Bon era ac/dc but you can't complain about Back in Black.

    Everyone's got a different Floyd album. If I had to choose it would be Dark Side.

    Have a nice weekend


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