June 12, 2009

Friday 5: Eat and Drink

Please visit www.friday5.org to view more participants!

1. What’s something you will not eat unless you also have ketchup? French Fries

2. What’s something you will not drink unless it is served on ice cubes? Sweet Iced Tea

3. What’s something you will not eat unless it is served between slices of bread? Roast Beef

4. What’s something you will not drink unless you have a straw? A chocolate milkshake

5. What’s something else you will not eat except under very specific circumstances? I will not walk under a ladder even if it means going a mile out of my way.


  1. Hi, Shannon!!
    Well, I've decided I'm a waaaay too picky eater!!! lol
    Have a great weekend!

  2. If you haven't tried it, you should try putting pepper in your ketchup with french fries. It sounds nasty but is really good!


  3. We're in a pickle if we have to eat/drink all these things in one meal. :)


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