June 21, 2010

Queen's Meme: Beach Time


1. When is the last time you saw the ocean? Last Thursday (June 17th) - Fort Walton Beach, Florida

2. Where is your favorite stretch of beach shoreline? Daytona Beach, Florida

3. Are you planning a beach vacation this year? No, already had one...kind of. I was in Florida for training for two weeks.

4. Bikinis or one-piece? One piece with a cover-up!

5. Do you sunbathe or sit under an umbrella? Sit under an umbrella

6. Have you ever been to a nude beach? Not a total nude beach

7. Favorite activity at the beach while on vacation? Walking barefoot in the sand

8. Condo, hotel or cottage rental? Hotel

9. What beach in the whole wide world would you like to visit for the first time? The Atlantic in the Gulf of Mexico..off the coast of Mobile, Alabama about 30 years ago.

10. Did you ever have a special romantic time at the beach? Nope, never....maybe someday.

11. Tell us about a favorite beach memory. The very first time my mom got into the ocean she freaked out when a huge wave knocked her sunglasses off. She got out of the water and refused to get back in....and she didnt want my brother and I to play in the water. Dad talked her into letting us go back in.


Here are a few photos I took while in Florida for the last two weeks.

June 12, 2010

The Crab Trap

This photo was taken a few blocks from The Crab Trap.


I had some very YUMMY food at the

The Crab Trap in Fort Walton Beach.

June 9, 2010

Louisiana Lagniappe

This evening I had dinner at the Louisiana Lagniappe. The food was awesome, as was the service and the view. I hope to go back before I leave next week.


June 6, 2010

Sunday Stealing: Another Question Meme

Hosted by Judd Corizan

1. It's 2AM and you are not home. You are more than likely: Driving home from Wal Mart

2. What's the last thing you spent more than $100 on? A pair of jeans

3. What do your bank checks look like? Plain and blue

4. Where did the shirt you are currently wearing come from? Either JC Penny or ShopKo

5. Name something that will be on your Christmas wish list: IPad

6. What color is your toothbrush? Blue

7. Name something you collect and tell us about it. Teddy Bears..stuffed, ceramic. I really like Cherished Teddies, Boyds Bears and Ty bears. Bears remind me of being a child and carefree days.

bear Pictures, Images and Photos

8. Last restaurant you ate at. Who were you with? How was it? Steve and I went to a local Mexican restaurant and it was delicious!

9. Who was the last person you bought a birthday card for? My father-in-law

10. What is your worst bad habit? Picking scabs and scratching my psoriasis all the time.

11. Name a magazine you subscribe to? None.

12. Your favorite pizza toppings? Canadian Bacon and Mushrooms

13. Whose number were you looking up the last time you used a phone book? The local hobby store.

14. Other than family, who is the person that you love most? Steve

15. What is the last thing you cooked? Fried eggs and toast

16. Name something you wouldn't want to buy used? Underwear

17. Which shoe do you put on first? Right shoe

18. What is the last thing you remember losing? My mind

19. What is the ugliest piece of furniture in your house? My computer desk

20. Last thing you bought and ended up returning? A photo album I got last week. The binder tore when I took off the wrapping.

21. What perfume/cologne do you wear? If none, why? Tommy Girl

tommy girl Pictures, Images and Photos

22. Your favorite board game? Monopoly

23. What was the last board game you played?

24. Where did your vehicle come from? Steve's grandmother.

25. If a movie was made about your life what would the theme song be? Take This Job and Shove it!

26. You're sad, who can cheer you up easily? My dogs. They love me unconditionally

27. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to? I cant remember

28. What house cleaning chore do you hate to do the most? Laundry...oh and doing the dishes, dusting, moping, etc.

29. What is your favorite way to eat chicken? Barbequed!

BBQ Chicken Pictures, Images and Photos

30. It is your birthday. You hope the cake is? Mississippi Mud Cake

Mississippi Mud Cake Pictures, Images and Photos

June 4, 2010

Friday Fill-In #179


Hosted by Janet

1. The Great Smokey Mountains is my favorite place to travel to.
2. When I think about my childhood, I often remember my grandparents.
3. Honesty, loyalty and love makes for a good friend.
4. The wind in the trees, the rain on my skin, the sun might shine tomorrow.
5. My upcoming trip is so exciting!
6. My best friend knows things my parents never knew.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a nice dinner with Steve, tomorrow my plans include sleeping and playing WoW and Sunday, I want to get ready for my two week trip!

June 1, 2010

Queen's Meme: The Last Time


When was the last time you……

rolled your eyes - today at work

Tied your shoe
- This morning

reorganized your bedroom
- Last year

Took a walk in the park
- Last year

Chewed gum
- Last week

drew a stick person
- Last year

activated something
- Last Month

Took a photograph
- Last week

Drank a milkshake
- Yesterday

ate orange jello
- No idea

google mapped an address
- Yesterday

sang your favorite song
- Today

made a peace globe. (Please show us!)
- last year

Threw a baseball - Last summer

Fumbled with a button - Last week

answered the doorbell
- Last year

Spilled your drink
- Yesterday

administered CPR
- 18 years ago

looked in the mirror
- Today

testified in court
- Many years ago

Made a sarcastic remark
- Today

Offered someone advice
- Today

Watched a sunrise or sunset
- Every morning on my way to work I watch the sun set

Were jealous
- Today

Smiled when you didn’t feel like smiling
- Today

Loved when you didn't feel like loving
- Today

Ironed an article of clothing
- A few years ago

noticed you didn't give a damn
- About a year ago

had a mammogram
- Never

Read your horoscope
- Yesterday

- Does a Swifer count?

Held someone’s hand
- Yesterday

Crossed a bridge
- Today

threw away a candy wrapper
- Today

Sat on a bench
- Yesterday

turned a page
- Today

tripped over your own 2 feet
- Today

dialed the wrong number
- Last week

Ignored a phone call
- Today

Kissed a bride
- Never

- In May

Rode a roller coaster
- Five or six years ago

you were really you
- Today

Cried yourself to sleep
- Last night

Were speechless
- Last week

rode a bus
- 10 years or more

went to a funeral
- August 2008

were right
- Today

- never

were left
- Many many years ago

- Today

bent over
- Today

sent a text message
- Today

Lit a candle
- A few months ago

Lost your temper
- Saturday of last week

fell off a horse
- Never

changed the oil in your car
- 21 years ago

Added a new FACEBOOK friend
- Last week

went bowling
- a few months ago

Laughed uncontrollably
- cant remember

Felt guilty
- Today

Looked up a word in the dictionary
- last week

returned from the point of no return
- 16 years ago

couldn't remember your name
- Last week

surrendered to temptation
- This afternoon

felt genuinely happy
- Three years ago

saw a famous person
- Many years ago

kissed in a car
- Yesterday

Sent a greeting card
- Two weeks ago

used your passport
- Never

yelled at your television
- Last night

confided a secret
- Last year

changed your blog template
- Last year

danced like no one was watching
- Last week

wrote in cursive
- Earlier today

took a driving test
- 23 years ago

Backed up your computer files
- Last year

When was the last time you said this was the last time?
- Earlier today

Happy 3rd Blogoversary!

Hello Everyone!
Today is Shannon's Moments of Introspection Third Blogoversary!

I have been on using Blogger (BlogSpot) for over three years! The original name was Simply Shannon but I changed it to Shannon's Moments of Introspection since Simply Shannon is the name of my personal web site.

Happy Third Blog Anniversary Shannon's Moments of Introspection!