This weeks questions are all about blogging.
What motivates you to blog? For a long time now, memes have motivated me to blog. I love memes, quizzes, fun surveys, question & answer type things and more. Why? Because it is rather hard for me to open up about myself.
How long have you been blogging? I have been blogging for at least 8 years in a variety of places (MySpace, Yahoo, Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal and a few others).
Why did you start blogging? I began blogging as a way to break out of my "I don't like the world and there are no nice people left" mold and meet new people. Through the years I have met some wonderful people.
Do you keep a journal offline? I have kept a journal off and on throughout the years. I started one pretty much from the moment I could write. When I started blogging I stopped writing in a hard copy journal.
I have kept paper journals off and on for years but now I just pretty much blog.