May 14, 2012

The Kreativ Blogger Award

Today I was award "The Kreativ Blogger Award" by Susi over at Boca Frau.  How cool is that!  Thank you Susi!  You Are Awesome and totally made my Monday a much better one!


The rules, those pesky rules, are pretty simple for this one…
1. Thank the person who gave the award to you and link back to their blog.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Nominate 7 bloggers and let them know they’ve been awarded.

Here are 7 more things about me:
1. I was diagnosed with MRSA in January 2010.
2. I have had psoriasis all my life and I am very tired of dealing with it.
3. I love dogs and wish I could save/rescue all of them.
4. My favorite chocolate is a plain Hershey's chocolate bar.
5. I collect teddy bears and need more of them.
6. I miss home (Missouri) and my family that is there.
7. Sometimes I feel really alone even when I am with a crowd of people.

Time to nominate 7 fabulous bloggers:
1. RoseAnn - The Social Frog
2. Tamy- 3 Sides of Crazy
3. Bud - WTIT: The Blog
4. Mimi - Mimi Writes
5. Dennis - Dennis the Viszula
6. Erin - Straight Up With A Twist
7. Stacie - Simply Stacie

As always, no pressure, just a head nod from me to you because I like you


  1. I love that type of candy bar too; that is my favorite! So sorry about the MRSA and the psoriasis. Congrats on the award!


  2. Thank you, thank you very much... :)

  3. You are super fast. So happy you are playing along. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with psoriasis. I have a friend who has it and I know it's no fun. I myself have excema and it gets pretty annoying.


Thank you for your comment! I appreciate you!