1. Boxers? Briefs? Boxer briefs? Thongs? Bikinis? Commando? For men, boxer briefs. For me, briefs.
2. What’s your fussiest personal care routine? Putting on makeup each day.
5. What’s the “manliest / 'womenliest” thing you do on a regular basis? I like
6. What’s something “manly” that you never learned how to do?
7. Do you ever cry? If so, what’s your trigger? Yes. All kinds of things...a sad song, a commercial about abused animals, seeing a dog that looks like my Annabelle and oh so much more.
8. Do you have a chivalrous streak? How does it manifest itself? Yes, I have been that way all my life. I see no reason to not be nice to people
9. Do you have a chauvinistic streak? How does it manifest itself? No.
10. What’s your favorite movie? Gone With The Wind
12. What quality do you think makes a good man good? Do you have that quality? Honesty, Faithfulness, and Trust. Yes, I have those qualities.
13. Toilet seat up or down? Down
14. If your significant other is away, do you cook for yourself or eat out of cans and boxes (or rely on local drive-throughs and delivery)? A mixture of all but lean more towards drive thru.
16. What’s the best part - societal-wise - about being a man / women? As a woman I enjoy it when a man holds the door open for me.
17. Will you stop to ask for directions? Yes
18. What’s one thing about your significant other that you just cannot understand, no matter how hard you try? Why he cannot stop smoking.
19. What do you need to have in the shower? Pantene shampoo and Caress Body Wash
20. Do you burp/fart/scratch? Do you do anything stereotypically male? Everyone burps, farts and scratches, even women. Women just tend to hide it or cover it up.
We have the same answer for #20!
ReplyDeleteSmoking is almost as hard to give up as heroin. Not that I've tried that drug, but I have read that. It was as hard a thing to do as I've done. But I did it cuz of a health scare. But I stayed "quit" cuz of $$. Stress the money he'd save. To spend on HIM. (Don't 'splain that you'd guilt him into using it for family...) I realized that I saved more than my entire CAR payment! That, more than health, kept me going!!
ReplyDeleteOOOOH a jeep!!! I miss my jeep.
ReplyDeleteGreat answer to 11, Some men are pigs! Have a great week!