April 18, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things: Pie

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Today's Blogging A to Z Challenge, with my theme of "A Few of My Favorite Things", is all about the letter "P".

My mother-in-law makes the best Strawberry Rhubarb pie ever!  I don't have her exact recipe but I also have not tried to make one.  I am better at dumping a can of pie filling into an empty pie shell than I am at making something from scratch.  

I also enjoy Pumpkin Pie with Cool Whip on top; Cherry Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream on top and Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream on top.  (My husband likes to put a slice of cheese on top of his Apple Pie.)

Do you like pie?  If so, what kind?  


  1. Apple pie is my fav.. apple struddle like the germans would say..! Happy to connect. Do visit www.disha-doshi.blogspot.com I am following you via #AtoZChallenge

  2. Of course I have to like the biggest calorie pie there is...PECAN PIE1 The best.


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