May 12, 2013

Sunday Stealing: Currently

Today's Sunday Stealing was ripped off a blogger named Danielle from her blog Sometimes Sweet.   She doesn't say where she got it--but it was probably stolen from somewhere cool. Tracing back the thefts of those that we steal from could take a while. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. 

If you decide to join, leave a comment and link up to Sunday Stealing!

Thinking about:  Well, since tomorrow is Mother's Day, I am thinking about my mother.  Mom was born on May 1, 1950 and died on April 3, 1991.   I am now 42 years old...I have spent over half my life without my mother.

Feeling: Sad, thoughtful

Reading: The Game of Thrones  series

Listening to: Wipeout  on TruTv

Wondering: What life had been like if my mom and dad were still alive.

Looking forward to:  Summertime! and warm weather.

Missing:  My dog, Annabelle; my parents and my grandparents.

Watching: Wipeout  on TruTv

Eating: Potato chips

Making me happy: My other dog, Shelby.  Her cute puppy smile melts my heart.

 photo HappyShelby_04-05-2013_zps5ae3eeb5.jpg


  1. I too, have spent over half my life without both my parents. It is strange to think about what it would be like if they were still here. But I have my children and they bring me so much joy. I'm with you on looking forward to summertime! Have a fabulous day.

  2. My life would be a lot different if my Mom were still here. I love your puppy picture!

  3. I'm a sucker for those darn smiles....

  4. My mom is an odd ball... but I'm glad she's still here. Frankly, I dread the day she dies more because I'll have to deal with my bitch sister than I do having to live without her... LOL...sad, huh?


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