December 31, 2013

2013 In Review

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What exactly were you doing a minute before the ball dropped in 2013? Watching the ball drop in Times Square (on television).

What was your status on Valentines Day? Married

Were you in school anytime this year? No

Did you have to go to the hospital? Many times but not for me, for my husband.

Did you have any encounters with the police? No

Where did you go on vacation? Texas, Missouri and Arkansas

Did you know anybody who got married? Yes, my son, Colt.

Did you know anybody who passed away? Yes, several people and many pets.

Did you move anywhere? No

What sporting events did you attend? None

What concerts/shows did you go to? None

Describe your birthday: Worked all day, then home to make dinner.

What is the one thing you thought you would not do, but did, in 2013? Nothing I can think of.

What has been your favorite moments? My grandson being born,  my son getting married, my trip to Texas, seeing my brother, seeing my daughter and seeing my son.

Any new additions to your family? My grandson was born in August

What was your best month? March

Made new friends? Yes, a few.

How many people did you date? One, my husband.

Favorite Night out? Any night I did not have to cook dinner at home.

Other than home, where did you spend most of your time? Work

Have you lost any friends this year? Not that I know of

Change your hairstyle? No

Have any car accidents? No

How old did you turn this year? 43

Do anything embarrassing? Fell down the stairs at work and twisted my ankle.

Buy anything new from eBay? Yes

Get married or divorced? No

Get arrested? No

Been snowboarding? No

Did you get sick this year? Yes,

Are you happy to see 2013 go? Yes, and I expect 2014 to be much better.

Been naughty or nice? Nice

What are you looking forward to most in 2013? Getting out of debt!


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