What was your status on Valentines Day? Married
Were you in school anytime this year? No
Did you have to go to the hospital? Once for myself and several times with my husband
Did you have any encounters with the police? No
Where did you go on vacation? Texas
Did you know anybody who got married? Yes.
Did you know anybody who passed away? Yes, several family members and friends.
Did you move anywhere? No
What sporting events did you attend? None
What concerts/shows did you go to? None
Describe your birthday: Worked all day
What is the one thing you thought you would not do, but did, in 2014? Became more confident in what I do at work.
What has been your favorite moments? Spending time with family even if it is through
Any new additions to your family? Several great nieces.
What was your best month? September
Made new friends? Yes, a few.
How many people did you date? One...my husband.
Favorite Night out? The nights we went to the movies and dinner.
Other than home, where did you spend most of your time? Work
Have you lost any friends this year? Yes, a few.
Change your hairstyle? Not really
Have any car accidents? No
How old did you turn this year? 44

Buy anything new from eBay? No
Get married or divorced? No
Get arrested? No
Been snowboarding? No
Did you get sick this year? Yes, I have had medical issues all year long...been in a lot of pain.
Are you happy to see 2014 go? In a way I am and I expect 2015 to be better in some ways. But I also hate seeing the years go by so quickly. I don't like getting old.
Been naughty or nice? Nice
What are you looking forward to most in 2015? Meeting my new great-niece; seeing my children more often and maybe getting another dog so my boxer is not lonely.
I may steal this!!! I should do an end of the year blog post of sorts! Happy New Year my dear friend!!
ReplyDeleteBorrow all you want :) Happy New Year to you also.
DeleteSorry you fell down the stairs, is that the cause of your pain? Hope the year was a bit more exciting than portrayed in these questions. Here's to a pain free 2015.