This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from Ms. Sizzle.
1. If money were no object, what would you be doing with your life? I would be running an animal rescue farm. A place where unwanted animals could escape an abusive life and live in peace and happiness.
2. Money is just that - an object, so why aren't you doing it? I don't have enough money.
3. What’s better: horses or cows? Tough choice....but I choose cows.
4. What do you think the secret to happiness is? Having a pet in your life. For me, happiness is my dog, Shelby.
5. When was the last time you had a dream that you either remember well or did not want to awake from? Can you share a bit? Last week I had a dream about people from my past and present talking together. I found it very weird because the people from two people from my past are deceased and would have never met the people in my present. I woke up a tad confused.
6. When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Computer Programmer in the United States Air Force.
7. Complete this statement: Love is…painful.
8. Can you tell a good story? Not at all.

10. If you were to thank someone today, who would you thank? I thank my dog for bringing happiness to my life. Shelby loves me unconditionally and does not care what I look like. She makes a bad day into a good day and a good day into an even better day.
11. If you could be anyone's mojo, whose would you want to be, and why? I cannot think of anyone that I would want to being their mojo.
I would love a perfect world in which there was no need for an animal shelter.
ReplyDeleteAs would I.
Deletehello shannon its dennis the vizsla dog hay that charlie brown schulz seems to hav nown a thing or too abowt happiness!!! i bet yoo and shelby wood run a wunderful animal reskyoo!!! ok bye
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting Dennis :)
DeleteAn animal shelter is a great goal.
ReplyDeleteI agree.