2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? If yes, how did you quit? I have never smoked cigarettes and I plan to never do so.
3. Do you own a gun? How are your feelings about gun control/2nd amendment rights? I do own guns and feel strongly about owning and keeping my guns. I want to be able to protect myself and my family if needed.
4. What is your favorite flavor of water or liquor flavors? I love lemon flavored water.
5. Do you get nervous before a doctor visit? Why? I get very nervous and doctors have told me I have "white coat syndrome". I stress about everything and everytime I go to the doctor I am so sure they will give me bad news.
6. How do you like your hot dogs? I like my hot dogs on a bun with pickle relish.
7. Although it’s been asked a lot, tell us about a favorite movie that you haven’t shared before. One of my favorite movies that I have not talked about much before is "Serenity". The movie was directed by Joss Whedon and is based on the syfy show, "Firefly".
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee and water.
9. In a dating situation, have you ever misrepresented yourself to seem cooler or hipper? (Yes we know for most of you it was long ago…) No, I have no reason to. People accept me for who I am or they can piss off.

11. Favorite hobby? Tell us about it so we understand it. My current favorite hobby is sleeping. Sleeping helps me escape the crazy of the world. Plus when sleeping, I dream of family members (my son, mom, dad, grandparents) and they are alive again.
12. Do you have A.D.D., or have you suspected it? Yes and yes. I have been diagnosed with depression, and manic-depressive and anxiety.
13. What’s a thing you dislike or would change about yourself? My weight.
14. Middle name? Like it or not? My middle name is Gayle and I do like it.
15. Name three random thoughts you might have on this week: "Ugh, tomorrow is Monday", "It is going to be a long week at work.", "I can't wait until this Fiscal Year is over!"
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Tell us a bit about them. Coffee, Water and Cherry Coke Zero. I like my coffee with creamer and Splenda; and I like my water and Cherry Coke Zero as cold as possible.
17. Current worry: I am worried about what to have for dinner tonight; as well as the state of our country.
18. Current annoyance: All the political stuff.
19. Favorite place to be in the summer? Give us a wee bit more than “the beach”. Of course I would love to be at the beach, but the beach is too far away from where I live. So, my next favorite place to be is at home in the air conditioner....just being lazy.
20. How do you usually ring in the new year? If forced (how we’d do that without Judd coming to your house, if you even know who he was) to do something new, what would it be? For the last 5 years or so, my idea of ringing in the new year has been done by laying in bed watching The Ball drop in New York...then turning off the tv and going to bed. If forced to do something new, I might be persuaded to actually sit in my living room and watch The Ball drop. I am not really sure who Judd is...should I be scared.
21. What have you done this summer that’s special? Pictures please. I have not done anything special this summer....yet.
22. Have you ever walked into a room with just shoes on? Yes and I have come very close to walking outside with just shoes on.
Apparently most of us stay home on New Year's.
ReplyDeleteJudd was the cartoon character that hosted Sunday Stealing. When I left Judd got removed. Thanks for giving us the meme...