December 2, 2017

Sleepy, Silly and Adorable!

Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Sleepy Shelby
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Silly Shelby
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Adorable Shelby
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley

Photos (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
This post is linked to Camera Critters.


  1. hello shelby its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar never less then adorabul!!! but yoo ar most adorabul of al in yore towel hat!!! ok bye

  2. You can't help but love that face! What a cutie.


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