February 12, 2018

Random Photos of Shelby

Photo (c)2018 Shannon G. Wamsley
Totally Adorable!
Photo (c)2018 Shannon G. Wamsley
Hiding from everyone.
Photos (c)2018 Shannon G. Wamsley
Camera flash on!
Photos (c)2018 Shannon G. Wamsley
Camera flash off!

Photo (c)2018 Shannon G. Wamsley
Relaxing at Grandma's House
Photos (c)2018 Shannon G. Wamsley

1 comment:

  1. hello shelby its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo shoor do luk kyoot in all those pikchers and yoo luk verry reelaksed at grandmas howse indeed!!! did yoo hav to go over the river and throo the woods to git their??? hay flash on and flash off reeminds me of a teevee kommershal i saw wunse i think it wuz for sumthing wot turnd lites on and off it went sumthing like flash on flash off the fla -- dada why ar yoo shushing me??? ok bye


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