July 22, 2023

Ohhhhh Noooooooo!

Riley got a new toy to play with today....a talking Mr. Bill.
She cannot figure out how to make it shut up! LOL

 Photos (c)2023 Shannon G Wamsley Photos taken 22 July 2023Photos (c)2023 Shannon G Wamsley Photos taken 22 July 2023Photos (c)2023 Shannon G Wamsley Photos taken 22 July 2023

Photos (c)2023 Shannon G Wamsley
Photos taken 22 July 2023

1 comment:

  1. Java Bean: "Ayyyy, I have that toy too! It is the best, even louder than my Underdog toy or my Woody Woodpecker toy! I set him off at all hours of the day and night!"


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