October 29, 2023

Sunday Stealing: LEP Autumn

 Welcome to this week's Sunday Stealing; stolen from League of Extraordinary PenPals!

1, Do you decorate for Autumn?

I do decorate for Autumn, inside and outside of my house..
Photo (c)2023 Shannon G Wamsley Taken 16 October 2023Photo (c)2023 Shannon G Wamsley Taken 16 October 2023

2. How often do you clean out your closets?

Hardly ever.

3. When is the last time you planned a surprise for someone?

A few months ago.

4. Are there foods you really don’t like?

Brussel sprouts, asparagus, cooked spinach, and black licorice.

5. What is something you recently learned?

At work, I learned an easy way to get one of our programs to actually show up in "full screen".

6. Items you’re most likely to buy at a convenience store:

Soda, donut, coffee, snacky type things.

7. Do you believe in the paranormal?

I hate to admit it but I believe in it somewhat.

8. How would you describe your spirituality?

My mind, body and soul are conflicted and confused. 
9. Do you make plans far in advance?

I do for work related items but not so much in my personal life.

10. Do you like being scared for fun?

I do not.

11. What has been difficult for you lately?

Finding a new normal.  My husband passed away on 10 September 2023 so now I am trying to navigate through life as a widow.

12. Have you ever written or read fanfiction?
I have read a lot of fanfiction but I have not yet written any.

13. What type of wall art do you have in your home?

Family photos, a tree of life, cow paintings, patriotic items and cardinal related items.

14. Are you more likely to be private or overshare?

Private.  I do not like sharing things about me or my life.

15. What have you recently learned to live without?

My husband :(  
05/23/72 - 09/10/2023

1 comment:

  1. Big hugs. Finding a "new normal" takes a lot of time and change. But sometimes it confronts us too with other sides of our personality.

    Love the decorations!


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