December 17, 2023

Sunday Stealing: Christmas

 Welcome to this week's Sunday Stealing!

1. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

Stuffed animals (as a kid and as an adult).  I love stuffed animals, especially teddy bears.

2. What is the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

A sweater that was way too small. 

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas song?

The Little Drummer Boy  

4. Does your family have any favorite holiday traditions?

No, not any more.  

5. What is your favorite Christmas snack?

Christmas cookies.....especially decorated sugar cookies. 
6. Did you believe in Santa growing up?

I did until around age 6.

7. How early do you start decorating?

I start decorating for Christmas during the week of Thanksgiving and sometimes a week or two before Thanksgiving.

8. Are you an early or last-minute shopper?

Last minute shopper

9. Would you rather give or receive gifts?

I would rather give gifts.
10. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

A Christmas Story  

11. What is one of your Christmas memories?

Visiting my Grandparents (mom's side) on Christmas Eve, while we waited for Santa to visit our house.

12. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?


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