July 12, 2024

Lambchop Has A Squeaker?!

Riley got a new, very large, Lambchop on Wednesday.
She just realized today that it has a squeaker in it.
I have a feeling this toy won’t last much longer. LOL
Photo (c)2024 Shannon G Wamsley Taken 12 July 2024
Ignore my messy floor. With Riley around I cannot keep it clean.
And I am perfectly fine with that!
Photo (c)2024 Shannon G Wamsley Taken 12 July 2024
Photos (c)2024 Shannon G Wamsley
Taken 12 July 2024


  1. Hello! I discovered your Simply Shannon site, and then this. I do hope you'll go on with Simply Shannon. There are so few really good, "old fashioned" websites these days, with so-called social media taking over. Anyway, I had to laugh at the fate of the squeaker toy!

  2. Chaplin: "Dennis would have made short work of it too, Riley Bean!"


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