I hurt: in places I have never hurt before...all a part of getting older.
I love: my dog.
I hate: animal abusers.
I fear: death.
I hope: to live to be at least 100 years old.
I regret: not being a better Mom.
I cry: at least twice each week.
I care: very little about politics.
I always: feel left out of things, even when I am included.
I long: for a day when there is a cure for cancer.
I listen: to a wide variety of music.
I hide: in my house. The world is a very scary place.
I write: way less with a pen nowadays. It is much easier to type things out.
I miss: my son, husband, and daughter.
I search: for inner peace and happiness.
I learn: best if I am shown something once then given time to do it on my own.
I feel: sad some days and do not even know why.
I know: someday I will die....and that causes me to have panic attacks.
I want: a nap
I worry: about everything, no matter how big or small.
I wish: I could save all the animals.
I have: no time for stupidity.
I give: to local animal rescues and the Humane Society.
I wait: for the day I can retire.
I need: a cup of coffee.
The world is a scary place. I stay inside more and more, too.