November 4, 2024

Blogging 4 Peace 2024: Hold the Light

Hold the light for those in darkness. 
Hold the light for those in need.
Hold the light for all creatures, great and small.
Hold the light high for the world to see!


  1. What a gorgeous graphic, Shannon! It's just perfect. Love the poetry and all the posts you've made here and on Facebook to promote. You're the best and I appreciate you so much. Your peace globe is full of LIGHT and LIFE.

  2. I love your post and image, thanks for sharing! Peace and light to you and yours.

  3. Great image! Love the poem. Peace to you!

  4. Loved your post! So many actually depressed me, as they were highlighting all the things wrong in the world, all the overwhelming, seemingly insurmountable challenges the world is facing. And then I found your sweet, happyโ€ฆ.hopeful post, and you made me smile. Thank you!

  5. Yes hold the light. Peace today. Hope tomorrow. Watch the Leonids Meteorite Shower. I hope to make a wish on a 'falling star".

  6. Charlee: "Yay for peace and light! And also for little birds of course ..."


Thank you for your comment! I appreciate you!