March 24, 2025

eCard of the Week #615: My Face and Body


I've reached the age where my face always looks
as tired as my body always feels.

March 23, 2025

Happy National Puppy Day 2025

Puppies always bring pure joy, even when you're at your lowest.
Happy National Puppy Day!


March 22, 2025

Sunday Stealing: Prompts and More Prompts

Welcome to this week's Sunday Stealing, with prompts from CountryDew.
1) How do you show others love? What makes you feel loved?

I show my love for others by telling them how I feel. It took me a very long time to get to a point where I could tell the people how I feel. 

2) Who is someone you admire? Why?

I admire several people due to their ability to be calm in crazy situations, their ability to be strong for others and their ability to know when to sit and listen, and when to provide advice.

3) Do you have the qualities you value in a friend?

I think that I do but I am not sure everyone in my life would agree.

4) What is something you enjoyed doing when you were younger but don't do anymore? Why did you stop doing it?

I loved camping when I was younger. Now, it is just too much work. I would rather stay home and relax.  

5) What is something other people think is fun but you don't?

Some people seem to think creating drama and being in the middle of drama is fun....I do not.  I prefer to live in a drama free zone! 

March 21, 2025

DIY Book Nook: Christmas Wish Store

A few weeks ago, I finished this Christmas Wish Store book nook from Cutebee. It took my awhile to get it done because I kept getting frustrated and giving up!  BUT I finally got it done.


March 20, 2025

Building Block Fun: Dog and Tree

 I found this on Amazon and just had to get it (looks like my Riley Bean) and put it together.

March 19, 2025

eCard of the Week #614: Mentally Check Out


Just a heads up that I mentally check out of
work for the week by Wednesday afternoon.

March 18, 2025

Building Block Fun: Lucky Bamboo, Plum Blossom and Bonsai Tree

I put these three Lego builds together recently. All three are part of the Lego Botanicals collection.
On the left is Lucky Bamboo, the right is the Plum Blossom and the last one is the Bonsai Tree.


March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2025

When Irish eyes are smiling,
Tis like a morn in spring.
With a lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing
When Irish hearts are happy
All the world is bright and gay
When Irish eyes are smiling
Sure, they steal your heart away.